using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace MovablePython { public class Hotkey : IMessageFilter { #region Interop [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)] private static extern int RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id, uint fsModifiers, Keys vk); [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError=true)] private static extern int UnregisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id); private const uint WM_HOTKEY = 0x312; private const uint MOD_ALT = 0x1; private const uint MOD_CONTROL = 0x2; private const uint MOD_SHIFT = 0x4; private const uint MOD_WIN = 0x8; private const uint ERROR_HOTKEY_ALREADY_REGISTERED = 1409; #endregion private static int currentID; private const int maximumID = 0xBFFF; private Keys keyCode; private bool shift; private bool control; private bool alt; private bool windows; [XmlIgnore] private int id; [XmlIgnore] private bool registered; [XmlIgnore] private Control windowControl; public event HandledEventHandler Pressed; public Hotkey() : this(Keys.None, false, false, false, false) { // No work done here! } public Hotkey(Keys keyCode, bool shift, bool control, bool alt, bool windows) { // Assign properties this.KeyCode = keyCode; this.Shift = shift; this.Control = control; this.Alt = alt; this.Windows = windows; // Register us as a message filter Application.AddMessageFilter(this); } ~Hotkey() { // Unregister the hotkey if necessary if (this.Registered) { this.Unregister(); } } public Hotkey Clone() { // Clone the whole object return new Hotkey(this.keyCode, this.shift, this.control, this.alt,; } public bool GetCanRegister(Control windowControl) { // Handle any exceptions: they mean "no, you can't register" :) try { // Attempt to register if (!this.Register(windowControl)) { return false; } // Unregister and say we managed it this.Unregister(); return true; } catch (Win32Exception) { return false; } catch (NotSupportedException) { return false; } } public bool Register(Control windowControl) { // Check that we have not registered if (this.registered) { throw new NotSupportedException("You cannot register a hotkey that is already registered"); } // We can't register an empty hotkey if (this.Empty) { throw new NotSupportedException("You cannot register an empty hotkey"); } // Get an ID for the hotkey and increase current ID = Hotkey.currentID; Hotkey.currentID = Hotkey.currentID + 1 % Hotkey.maximumID; // Translate modifier keys into unmanaged version uint modifiers = (this.Alt ? Hotkey.MOD_ALT : 0) | (this.Control ? Hotkey.MOD_CONTROL : 0) | (this.Shift ? Hotkey.MOD_SHIFT : 0) | (this.Windows ? Hotkey.MOD_WIN : 0); // Register the hotkey if (Hotkey.RegisterHotKey(windowControl.Handle,, modifiers, keyCode) == 0) { // Is the error that the hotkey is registered? if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == ERROR_HOTKEY_ALREADY_REGISTERED) { return false; } else { throw new Win32Exception(); } } // Save the control reference and register state this.registered = true; this.windowControl = windowControl; // We successfully registered return true; } public void Unregister() { // Check that we have registered if (!this.registered) { throw new NotSupportedException("You cannot unregister a hotkey that is not registered"); } // It's possible that the control itself has died: in that case, no need to unregister! if (!this.windowControl.IsDisposed) { // Clean up after ourselves if (Hotkey.UnregisterHotKey(this.windowControl.Handle, == 0) { throw new Win32Exception(); } } // Clear the control reference and register state this.registered = false; this.windowControl = null; } private void Reregister() { // Only do something if the key is already registered if (!this.registered) { return; } // Save control reference Control windowControl = this.windowControl; // Unregister and then reregister again this.Unregister(); this.Register(windowControl); } public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message message) { // Only process WM_HOTKEY messages if (message.Msg != Hotkey.WM_HOTKEY) { return false; } // Check that the ID is our key and we are registerd if (this.registered && (message.WParam.ToInt32() == { // Fire the event and pass on the event if our handlers didn't handle it return this.OnPressed(); } else { return false; } } private bool OnPressed() { // Fire the event if we can HandledEventArgs handledEventArgs = new HandledEventArgs(false); if (this.Pressed != null) { this.Pressed(this, handledEventArgs); } // Return whether we handled the event or not return handledEventArgs.Handled; } public override string ToString() { // We can be empty if (this.Empty) { return "(none)"; } // Build key name string keyName = Enum.GetName(typeof(Keys), this.keyCode);; switch (this.keyCode) { case Keys.D0: case Keys.D1: case Keys.D2: case Keys.D3: case Keys.D4: case Keys.D5: case Keys.D6: case Keys.D7: case Keys.D8: case Keys.D9: // Strip the first character keyName = keyName.Substring(1); break; default: // Leave everything alone break; } // Build modifiers string modifiers = ""; if (this.shift) { modifiers += "Shift+"; } if (this.control) { modifiers += "Control+"; } if (this.alt) { modifiers += "Alt+"; } if ( { modifiers += "Windows+"; } // Return result return modifiers + keyName; } public bool Empty { get { return this.keyCode == Keys.None; } } public bool Registered { get { return this.registered; } } public Keys KeyCode { get { return this.keyCode; } set { // Save and reregister this.keyCode = value; this.Reregister(); } } public bool Shift { get { return this.shift; } set { // Save and reregister this.shift = value; this.Reregister(); } } public bool Control { get { return this.control; } set { // Save and reregister this.control = value; this.Reregister(); } } public bool Alt { get { return this.alt; } set { // Save and reregister this.alt = value; this.Reregister(); } } public bool Windows { get { return; } set { // Save and reregister = value; this.Reregister(); } } } }